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If you order from Captain Boatiful and are not completely satisfied with the printing or production of our product we will refund your purchase.

We want to make sure you get a quality product every time.

For that reason, if there are any issues with the quality of the product you ordered, we ask you to take the following steps.

Step 1

Email us with a description of the issue and the order number.

Attach any photos of the issue so we can partner with our production company to find a solution.

If your item is the wrong size please provide a photo of the item showing the size tag plus a measuring device showing the incorrect dimension in full. 

The photo needs to be high enough resolution so the numbers can be read easily.

Additionally, please take a photo of the shipping note or delivery QR code and email the pictures.

Returns or refunds need to be applied for within 5 days of receiving the item. 

Step 2

Let us know if you’d like a refund or a replacement.

Please allow up to 48 hours for the processing of refund/replacement requests.

Because we are a made-to-order business, returns and replacements will only be processed in instances where there are quality defects in terms of printing or in construction. 

Any requests of this nature must be done within 5 days of receipt of the product.